
Accessing SpamExperts and creating separate SpamExperts users All cloud web hosting, semi-dedicated, and reseller hosting services include enterprise level... Adding an IP or port to a whitelist Our default firewall rules allow most applications/software to run without issues on our shared,... Adding or Editing your DNS Zone Records (A,AAAA,CAA,CNAME,DMARC,M... Any website hosted through Hawk Host which is using Hawk Host's nameservers (nsX.hawkhost.com)... Cloudflare cPanel Deprecation Notice June 15 2022 Unfortunately Cloudflare has formally announced the deprecation of their cPanel plugin, as a... Custom error pages Error pages are determined by the HTTPYou can add custom error pages by logging into cPanel and... Do you have a manual for the control panel? You can view the CPanel documentation at the official website:... Enabling SpamExperts through cPanel SpamExperts is an enterprise level email filtering solution that is included for free with all... Enabling/Disabling Imunify360 Proactive Defense through cPanel Proactive Defense is a unique Imunify360 feature that can prevent malicious activity through PHP... How can I change my domain and/or user name? We allow you to change your primary domain or your accounts username. All you'd need to do is... How do I disable AutoSSL email notifications from cPanel? Our AutoSSL system will email your cPanel contact email address when there is a successful... How do I disable Two Factor Authentication (2FA) for cPanel? If you've lost your hardware device previously used to configure cPanel Two-Factor Authentication... How do I enable and configure DNSSEC on my domains? All of our shared, cloud web hosting, semi-dedicated, and reseller hosting plans support enabling... How do I enable or disable ModSecurity (Modsec) through cPanel? All shared, reseller, and semi-dedicated services have ModSecurity (Modsec) enabled by default.... How do I enable the WordPress CLI (wp-cli) on my hosting account? You can install the WordPress CLI (wp-cli) on any hosting plan by following these instructions:... How do I exclude / disable Let's Encrypt AutoSSL on a domain name... All shared, reseller, and semi-dedicated hosting services with us allow you to mass install free... How do I force SSL/HTTPS on my websites? The following rules can be added to your sites .htaccess file to force visitors to use SSL/HTTPS... How do I generate a CSR / certificate signing request? These instructions are for a purchased SSL certificate. All shared, cloud web hosting,... How do I install a SSL certificate? These instructions are for a purchased SSL certificate. All shared, cloud web hosting,... How do I mass install my free Let's Encrypt SSL Certificates? All shared, reseller, and semi-dedicated hosting services with us allow you to mass install free... How do I use Redis on my hosting account? We offer a free Redis instance on all shared, cloud web hosting, semi-dedicated, and reseller... How do I use memcached on my hosting account? We offer a free memcached instance on all shared, semi-dedicated, and reseller hosting plans. You... How many emails can be sent per hour from your hosting plans? Each of our hosting plans have different outgoing hourly email limits. These outgoing hourly... How to create a Softaculous staging environment Softaculous offers a quick and easy way to clone your existing software installation(s) into a... I received a CAA DNS error when installing my Let's Encrypt SSL c... CAA is a type of DNS record that allows site owners to specify which Certificate Authorities... I've lost my Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) device. How do I acc... If you've previously configured Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for your cPanel account and... Is Softaculous offered? Softaculous is available at no additional cost on all shared, reseller, and semi-dedicated plans.... Is there a CPU limit? Shared hosting plans have full access to 1 CPU. All of your accounts activity is counted against... Size limit for uploading files through cPanel File Manager or PHP... All shared, reseller, and semi-dedicated hosting plans have a Max Request Size value of 500MB.... What Is the MySQL Hostname? When configuring scripts/software locally, the MySQL hostname will be: localhostIf you are... What are the well-known and acme-challenge directories under my account All of our shared, semi-dedicated, and reseller hosting plans include a feature known as AutoSSL.... What is "Park Wrapper Error"? When trying to add a domain you may receive an error such as:Error from park wrapper:... What is an addon domain? The addon domain option within cPanel allows you to host multiple websites and domains under a... What is phpMyAdmin? phpMyAdmin is a free software tool written in PHP intended to handle the administration of... What is the concurrent connections limit? Concurrent connections for any shared hosting account is currently limited to 20. This is not the... Where can I login to my control panel? You can login to your control panel by visiting http://www.yourdomain.com/cpanel or... Where can I view my AutoSSL with Let's Encrypt SSL certificates? All of our shared, reseller, and semi-dedicated hosting plans utilize the AutoSSL feature with... Where is phpMyAdmin? You can access PHPMyAdmin by selecting the "phpmyadmin" option under the... cPanel "Email Deliverability" interface shows PTR/rDNS error When checking the "Email Deliverability" interface in cPanel it may show a PTR/rDNS error which... cPanel File Manager Stuck Detecting character encoding There are cases where the cPanel file manager cannot detect character encodings. It may be stuck... cPanel License Pricing Structure for Cloud Computes As of September 2019 cPanel has adjusted their pricing structure from a flat fee per license to a... cPanel Tutorials cPanel has included video tutorials for every option under the control panel. To access these...
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