Account transfer or access with death of a customer طباعة

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In order for us to change ownership of an account in the death of a client / account owner we would require the following information be provided to us through a support email ( or mailed to our physical address at:

Hawk Host Inc.
710 Tower St South
PO Box 50081
Fergus ON N1M 2R0

The information and documents we require are:

  1. Death Certificate of the client / account owner

  2. Legal documentation listing the name of the client / account owner's Estate Administrator.

  3. Photo ID for the requestor / Estate Administrator. The government-issued photo ID must be a color copy, scan, or digital picture containing the individual on the ID, their name, signature, and expiration date of the ID clearly readable and visible.

If the client / account owner was listed as a business and not an individual we would require a copy of the business ID. Examples of acceptable government-issued business identification are:

  1. A copy of a government issued business license from issued by a local, county, state, or federal agency.

  2. For U.S. based businesses we can also accept an IRS Determination Letter. You may request a copy of this letter by contacting the IRS at 1-800-829-4933.

  3. We cannot accept copies of articles of incorporation/organization, applications, documents printed from the internet, or tax returns as business ID.

Even with the above documentation/verification provided this will not guarantee we will approve the ownership change. We reserve the right to accept or reject the request for any reason in our sole discretion and judgment.

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