checkallsslcerts Lets Encrypt error if zone doesn't exist for hostname Print

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When cPanel automatically attempts to issue a free Let's Encrypt SSL certificate for the server hostname, it throws an error such as the following:

( [FAIL:missing zone] at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/DnsUtils/ line 258.

The error can happen if you use an external DNS provider such as Cloudflare and do not have the DNS hosted locally for the server's hostname. The error will happen even if you have proper A records pointing your hostname to your server. You can resolve this in WHM by going to "Add an A Entry for Your Hostname" and adding the entry. The entry will trick cPanel/WHM and it will move forward and use HTTP DCV method to issue a certificate.

cPanel has assigned the following bug report: CPANEL-44222. At this time, we have not been given an estimate on when the bug will be fixed, so we recommend the "Add an A Entry for Your Hostname" workaround.

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